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Carelflex® expertise videos

DMDS Evolution® E2, the most efficient sulfur agent for HDT catalyst activation

DMDS Evolution® E2, the sulfiding agent of choice

DMDS Evolution® E2  is a breakthrough formulation for a better user experience on-site, providing a pleasant fragrance. It is successfully adopted as the standard sulfiding agent of choice at refineries and renewable fuel plants, as well as an anticoking agent for PDH and BDH (Propane and Butane dehydrogenation units) and steamcrackers.

30 years of experience and expertise

Arkema's extensive experience with over 6,000 insitu catalyst sulfiding jobs completed worldwide, is your asset as you prepare to sulfide your catalyst. Our technical specialists will propose an optimized logistic scheme and help you select convenient implementation, and review the risk analysis and activation procedure

Carelflex®, our on-site sulfiding service

Introduction to Carelflex®

Arkema offers Carelflex®, an on-site sulfiding service carried out by highly qualified technicians, providing the technical and safety knowledge, digital monitoring as well as assistance you need for efficient, hassle-free catalyst sulfiding.

What does "Flex" stand for?

Once a desired delivery date is selected, Arkema allocates the requested high quality DMDS and establishes the most suitable logistics to meet your sulfiding schedule, adjusting the final delivery date in case of any unexpected change of schedule.

Carelflex® certifications

Our operations meet the highest MASE and VCA certification for a consistent product quality and a service that meets our customers stringent standards, and all the safety and security training required all over the world.


Carelflex®, a worldwide logistic footprint

Global footprint, local operations

A unique global logistics pattern with a wide network of bulk storage tanks and warehouses close to our customers providing with the shortest lead-time and safety of supply. Our supply chain teams are local and meet our customer specific demand.

On-time deliveries, transport flexibility

Carelflex® continually strives to work with logistics partners who promote a culture of reliability, safety and security for our customers ensuring our customers on time deliveries.

A large and comprehensive packaging portfolio

A full range of customized packaging portfolio including a full fleet of isotanks and tank trucks, as well as pressurized returnable tanks all designed to be handled and to operate the injection in safe conditions.

Carelflex® to optimize your sulfidings and maximize your runtime

The highest performance standards

Arkema's vast experience with sulfur chemicals maintains complete control of the operation, resulting in a maximum catalyst activity. Our technicians with many years of experience, are provided with an extensive coaching program.

Carelflex® insures on-site safe handling

Carelflex® service provides the assistance of a specialized sulfiding technical expert for hook-up and controlled delivery of the sulfiding product. This ensures accurate and controlled sulfiding under safe conditions.

Carelflex® Connect, our digital interface

Carelflex® Connect offers online and real time data reading for a close sulfiding monitoring process, as well as a secured live chat, saving time and product without compromising with the operation control.

Carelflex®, more than a service, a commitment

Close to customers, reactivity & competitiveness

Our sales teams work very closely with you to make sure they will bring them the best service at the right moment. From an early stage to discuss what type of customized service is needed, until the last few weeks leading to activation to adjust the final delivery date in case unexpected change of schedule.

What's next with Carelflex® service?

Arkema leverages its expertise and will continue upgrading its Carelflex® service by offering even more performant tools like its digital platform known as Carelflex® Connect to track data in real time and optimize your sulfiding procedure.